How Digital Detox Can Change a Student’s Life!

It is tough to figure out if we have control over technology or if technology has control over us. Technology has improved our lives and has made it easier in countless ways. But the advent of the internet and digital connectivity has made many of us addicted to it, especially students. Be it a smartphone, tablet, laptop, TV, etc each one of us is addicted to at least one of these, making it impossible for us to live our daily lives without it.

Stay FLH PG in Ahmedabad is a home away from home for a number of college students. This blog aims to help them become an even better version of themselves by embarking on this digital detox journey!

What is Digital Detox

Digital detox refers to a period of time when individuals intentionally disconnect from digital devices and online platforms in order to reduce their dependence on technology and regain a sense of balance in their lives. It involves stepping away from screens, social media, and other digital distractions to focus on real-world experiences, mindfulness, and reestablishing healthy offline habits.

In most cases, a digital detox is the answer to the many problems faced by students, such as lack of concentration, poor sleep quality, headaches, low productivity, lack of motivation etc.

Signs you might need a digital detox

  • Increased distraction and difficulty focusing on tasks or assignments.
  • Excessive time spent on digital devices, neglecting other activities.
  • Frequent mood swings or irritability when unable to access digital devices.
  • Neglected personal hygiene or self-care due to excessive screen time.
  • Social withdrawal and reduced face-to-face interactions with peers.
  • Neglected responsibilities or missed deadlines due to excessive digital device use.
  • Sleep disturbances or irregular sleep patterns caused by late-night device use.
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, eye strain, or neck and back pain from prolonged device use.
  • Increased reliance on digital devices for emotional regulation or escapism.
  • Neglected hobbies or interests in favour of digital device usage.
  • Declining physical fitness or sedentary lifestyle resulting from excessive screen time.

Reasons for Digital Detox

Disturbed sleep

Sleep is the human equivalent of recharging your battery and for that quality sleep matters. Excess time spent on electronic devices directly affects your sleep quality. Studies have revealed that using mobile not only affects sleep but can also trigger insomnia, anxiety and can harm your mood.

Affects work-life balance

The use of mobile and internet technology has revolutionized work patterns, blurring the boundaries between work and personal life. While it offers flexibility and convenience, it also poses challenges in maintaining a healthy work-life balance due to constant connectivity and the potential for work intrusion.


FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is a common reason for seeking a digital detox. The constant exposure to social media and online activities can lead to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety, making people seek a break from the digital world for their mental well-being.

Better mood

Digital detox is crucial for improving mood as constant exposure to screens and online content can lead to information overload, anxiety, and reduced focus. Disconnecting from technology allows for rest, mindfulness, and engaging in offline activities that promote well-being and mental rejuvenation. Oftentimes seeing content on social media apps can be the reason behind mood swings.

Digital Detox Guide

Tech-Free Hours

Students should surely be allocating certain hours as tech-free. You can begin by not using your tech during breakfast, lunch, dinner and an hour before bed. These hours may feel empty but it will only help you feel better. Instead of tech, spend time with your friends & family.

Install Right Apps

Certain apps that can help students in their digital detox include Forest, Offtime, and Flipd, promoting focus and productivity while limiting screen time. Apps to avoid are addictive social media platforms like Snapchat and time-consuming games, mostly FPS.

Protect your body

Constantly using mobile and electronic devices can lead to physical issues such as eye strain, neck and back pain, and disrupted sleep patterns. Engaging in a digital detox, which involves temporarily abstaining from technology, allows students to rest, recharge, and alleviate these physical symptoms.

Study Table = No-Tech Zone

As part of their digital detox journey, students should refrain from using any tech devices while sitting at the study table. This practice promotes focus, minimizes distractions, and enhances cognitive abilities, leading to improved learning outcomes and overall well-being.

Get Back to Paper

Do you feel as if it’s been ages since the last time you read a book, even after being a student? Then it’s surely time to embark on your digital detox journey and meet the paper and ink yet again. You can begin by reading a newspaper and a few good books. Reading books stimulates imagination, enhances focus, reduces screen time, promotes deep learning, and cultivates a love for literature.


Digital detox is essential for students as it promotes mental well-being, improves focus, enhances interpersonal relationships, and encourages a healthier lifestyle, ultimately leading to a positive transformation in their lives.

A positive change begins from within and digital detox can be your way to be a better version of yourself while studying and residing at Stay FLH PG in Ahmedabad.

May your digital detox journey bring you a renewed sense of peace and clarity.